Clip A Movie

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The Movie Clip Editor has two main purposes,it can be used for tracking or masking movies.The empty editor looks like the image below.

Effortlessly cut, trim, and customize a video, or search related pro clips for various editing. Make a stunning movie for business, festivals, special events, and social media platforms with great efficiency. Slideshow Maker. Export from iMovie To export a still using iMovie, first import the clip into iMovie, then create a new project. In the Project pane, scrub through the movie by moving your mouse over the clip.



Menu of operators for controlling how the content is displayed in the editor.

Center View to Cursor

Centers the view so that the cursor is in the middle of the view.


Menu of operators for Selecting Markers.


Menu of operators for Editing Movie Clips.


A data-block menu used for add a movie file.Both movie files and image sequences can be used in the Clip editor.When a movie clip is loaded into the Clip editor, extra panels are displayed in the interface.

Pivot Point

What year was oblivion released. See Pivot Points.

Clip Display

This pop-over contains display settings related to editor itself.


The R, G, B toggles control the color channels used for frame preview.It is needed because the tracking algorithm works with grayscale images and it is notalways obvious to see which channels disabled will increase contrast of feature points and reduce noise.

Grayscale Preview (B/W)

Shows the whole frame gray-scale.

Mute (eye icon) M

Shows black frames in the preview instead of the movie clip.It helps to find tracks which are tracked inaccurately or which were not tracked at all.

Edit A Movie Clip

Render Undistorted

Applies the Lens Distortion settings to the viewport image in order to display the footage undistorted.It is only a preview option, which does not actually change the footage itself.

Lock to Selection L
Clip A Movie

Makes the editor display selected tracks at the same screen positionalong the whole footage during playback or tracking.This option helps to control the tracking process andstop it when the track is starting to slide off or when it jumped.

Show Stable

This option makes the displayed frame be affected by the 2D stabilization settings(available in reconstruction mode only).It is only a preview option, which does not actually change the footage itself. Baixar winrar 64x.


Displays a grid which is originally orthographic,but is affected by the distortion model (available in distortion mode only).This grid can be used for manual calibration –distorted lines of grids are equal to straight lines in the footage.

Create A Movie Clip


Applies the distortion model for annotation strokes (available in distortion mode only).This option also helps to perform manual calibration.A more detailed description of this process will be added later.

Clip A Movie

Display Aspect Ratio

Changes the aspect ratio for displaying only. It does not affect the tracking or solving process.

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